One of the marking techniques that may not be the most popular, but allows you to create durable and precise prints is pad printing. It is worth getting acquainted with this method, which gives a wide range of possibilities for use in companies of many industries.


What is pad printing?


This is one of the techniques of creating prints, in which the printing ink is applied using special silicone stamps, called tampons. These elements are characterized by high flexibility and softness, which makes them perfectly adhere to any surface. As a result, pad printing is used when creating prints on uneven surfaces - both concave and convex.


What the printing looks like


For marking with this method, a special machine is required, called a tamponier. It can be manual, semi-automatic and automatic. Thanks to this, you can choose the type of device for the planned applications, as well as the colors used - the manual variant works well for one-color prints.


At the very beginning, a matrix is created, most often made of plastic - a polymer. On it is placed the pattern that is to be found on the final article. Once the matrix is covered with printing ink, remove the excess ink with a metal or rubber squeegee - this guarantees the precision of the printing.


The next step is to press the pad against the matrix, as a result of which the given pattern is transferred to the silicone stamp. Then the pad is placed exactly over the printed material and pressed against it. As a result, the right amount of paint in a specific pattern is deposited in the selected place.


Advantages of pad printing


The method we describe is relatively universal and willingly used due to a number of advantages. Among them, the following can be distinguished:


- high quality of the print - if the right paints are used, the durability of the graphics or inscriptions made is very high - they are practically extremely resistant to abrasion, crumbling or fading;

- versatility of use - pad printing can be used for most materials - both plastics, metals, wood, and many others; an undoubted advantage is also the fact that in the case of this technique, you can make prints on uneven surfaces - concave and convex;

- great coverage - properly selected paints ensure a great final look,

- extraordinary precision of workmanship - a wide range of shapes and sizes of tampons allows you to adjust the stamp to the type of print.


Use of pad printing


As you can see in the above text, pad printing has many advantages, which in turn translate into the wide application of this technique. As a result, solutions of this kind are great for articles in many industries, e.g.:


- automotive,

- cosmetic,

- medical and pharmaceutical,

- electrotechnical,

- textile,

- and many others.